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Rachael Davis-Featherstone was open to submissions from 17th June to 30th June 2024

We will consider picture books, chapter books, middle grade, young adult, and children’s non-fiction.

This submission window is open to writers who are traditionally published, self-published or currently unpublished. We welcome submissions from creatives who are looking to move their career in a new direction, be that a journalist looking to publish a young adult novel, a screenwriter writing picture books, or a traditionally published author looking to move into a new genre.


We are keen to encourage submissions from writers who are underrepresented in publishing, including but not limited to:

  • People of colour


  • Working class

  • Disabled, neurodiverse or living with a chronic illness

  • Living in the north of the UK

  • Over the age of 55

Please include the hashtag #underrepresented in the subject line of your email if you identify as underrepresented.

Submission guidelines

Submissions will only be accepted by email to the following address:

The subject of the email should begin with the word “SUBMISSION” followed by your submission title, your name and relevant hashtags identifying if you are: underrepresented; already published or a debut (currently unpublished). For example:

SUBMISSION [TITLE] [Your Name] [#underrepresented] [#debut or #published]


For picture books, please attach up to three texts.

For chapter books, please attach the full manuscript and synopsis.

For longer fiction, please attach up to 10,000 words and a synopsis.

For non-fiction, please attach a proposal and sample writing material.


Your texts should be in the form of a Word document attachment in a legible font with suitable line spacing.


In the body of your email please include a covering note. This should include a concise pitch for your texts, comparative titles, and a bit of information about you and your writing (e.g. previous publications, writing courses, mentorships, competition placings, etc).

If you write in more than one genre, please let us know and state your favourite age to write for.

Response time

This is our first open submission window. We endeavour to respond within 12-16 weeks. Please do not chase before 16 weeks, but do let us know if you receive interest from another agent or a publisher.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to give personalised feedback on every submission, but please do not be disheartened if you receive a standard reply. There are many reasons an agent might not offer representation. Views are subjective and another agent may feel differently, so don’t give up!

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